Service Integration and Management: an Introduction to SIAM

Published: Apr 26, 2021 | Last updated: Mar 17, 2025

Table of Contents

This is another episode of Integration Talks, a podcast where we discuss everything software integration with thought leaders and experts across industries.

In this episode, Francis hosts Claire Agutter to discuss Service Integration and Management (SIAM).

Claire is a service management trainer, consultant, and author. She is the director at ITSM Zone, providing accredited eLearning in ITIL, DevOps, BRM, and more. She’s also the director of Scopism, the publisher of the SIAM Foundation and Professional BoKs.

In 2018, 19, and 20 she was recognized by Computer Weekly as one of the 50 most influential women in tech, and in 2017, 18, and 19 She was recognized by HDI as one of the top thought leaders. She is also the host of the popular ITSM Crowd YouTube channel and the Chief Architect of VeriSM.

About this episode: 

  • What is SIAM?
  • Combining SIAM with ITIL4, possibilities, and outcomes
  • Getting started with SIAM
  • Average deployment time of SIAM
  • and more

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Episode Transcript

Francis Martens: Hi! Welcome to the Integration talks! I’m Francis and I will be your host today. Integration Talks is about everything around system integration and then we both speak about internal integration and cross-company integrations. And it’s not only about the technology but also processes, how tools, and good practices to get the integration projects up and running.

And today we are welcoming Claire, Claire Agutter, I hope I got your name right? And today we are going to talk about SIAM and that will be our focus. So before we dive into the detail, Claire can you tell a bit about your background, about yourself?

Claire Agutter: Yeah of course! Thank you for inviting me to the podcast. So like you said, my name’s Claire, I’m based in the UK and my entire career really has been service management so more than 20 years now which is quite frightening when I think about it like that.

But I started working on service desks in end-user support and then took some early ITIL qualifications it was ITIL v2 when I was doing my training and from there kind of found I felt like I’d found my home so progress through interchange management roles, general service management adoption roles, consultancy training and for the last 13 years, I’ve been the director at ITSM zone, which is an e-learning business for service management, and then 4 years ago as well started Scopism, which is kind of more focused on content, you know, it’s very obvious looking at the service management market that things are changing very quickly there are lots of new ways of working, new procedures, new practices coming through so Scopism is kind of more aimed at that side of the market we provide content, consultancy, we run conferences and that was where we kind of worked on the service integration and management body of knowledge that lives under the Scopism brand.

Francis: Okay, well that’s the acronym is SIAM is services integration and management. I have seen you you joined broad research?  

Claire: Yes! What’s a navigator? So Blur research is an analyst company based in the UK with a strong focus on technology but also the kind of the future of work and it’s the future of work practice that I sit within. What Blur are trying to do with the navigators is kind of reach out to people who they can see are doing work in a particular 
space and asking them to bring in their industry expertise so it sounds trying to say this in a way that doesn’t make me sound massively big-headed, but they’d kind of seen some of the work that we’ve been doing with the content creation they’d seen me present a couple of events so as part of that future of work practice, I get to work with the other Blur analysts who are all fabulously intelligent people just speaking to them is an education and we’re kind of 
creating content to support organizations because one of the massive things about the curvy pandemic has been an impact on organizational…

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