#HERpower with Claudia from Deiser

#HERpower with Claudia from Deiser

HERpower spotlights the inspiring stories of diverse women working in tech.

Today, we chat with Claudia Cornet about her journey, challenges, and the joys of balancing a career and motherhood.

Read on!


Claudia Cornet is a full-time mom to her son and a dog and works as a sales representative at Deiser in Madrid. She holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration with a focus on digital marketing. She describes herself as creative and vibrant. She started her career in London but returned to Spain to pursue more client-facing opportunities. Her main pastimes include spending time with her family and friends, doing cross-fit, and eating pizza.

The Conversation

Question: Thank you so much for joining me today, Claudia. Can you please introduce yourself? 

Claudia: Hi, my name is Claudia. I’m 45 years old. I was born in Barcelona, but I’ve lived in Madrid since I was 10. I have a six-year-old son and an 11-year-old dog, who is like my daughter. I work at Deiser, an Atlassian Platinum Solution Partner and an  Atlassian Marketplace Platinum Partner. I’ve been with them since October 2023, and it’s been an exciting journey so far.

Question: That sounds wonderful. Can you tell us more about your career path before joining DEISER? Have you always been involved in the tech industry?

Claudia: Before Deiser, I studied business administration and did an Erasmus Exchange program in London. I started my business career there, working at DoubleClick, now part of Google, in the tech advertising industry. My career path included working at Auto Trader in the UK, a Finnish company called Sulake in Madrid, and other roles closely tied to tech, though my background was in marketing. Even though I wasn’t in a technical role, I was always very involved with tech teams.

Finding Deiser was a turning point. They valued my background and were supportive from the start. It was a relief to find a company that recognized the importance of work-life balance and appreciated the unique perspective I brought from my time as a full-time parent.

Question: It’s great to hear about your diverse experiences. How was the transition from being a full-time parent back to the workforce?

Claudia: It was challenging. I took a break to be with my son, thinking I’d go back to work soon, but almost five years passed. 

During those years, my focus was entirely on raising my son and being there for all his milestones. It was incredibly rewarding, but it also left me feeling unsure about my career. The tech industry moves so fast, and I worried about how I would catch up after such a long gap.

When I decided to return to work, I was very concerned about the gap in my resume. I knew I had valuable experience, but I wasn’t sure how potential employers would view my time off. I started by updating my skills, taking online courses, and even helping a friend with her business on Instagram to stay connected with the working world.

Something clicked when I started her. It reignited my confidence in my skills, and soon after, opportunities began to emerge.

Finding Deiser was a turning point. They saw my previous experience and didn’t make me feel out of place at all. The Deiser team valued my background and was supportive from the start. They appreciated the unique perspective I brought from my time as a full-time parent and helped me reintegrate smoothly. It was a relief to find a company that recognized the importance of work-life balance and supported me through this transition.

Question: That’s great. Can you tell us more about your role at Deiser and what you enjoy most about it?

Claudia: My role involves contacting potential clients who download trial versions of our products, offering a personal touch rather than automated emails. Additionally, I manage relationships with existing clients to ensure they receive seamless support. What I find most fulfilling is the human connection—meeting diverse individuals and contributing to various initiatives. It’s fulfilling to help clients understand and utilize our products effectively.

Being a mother has made me more conscious of people's needs and the importance of personal connections. I believe it’s about understanding that everyone has responsibilities outside of work. This perspective helps me in my role.

Question: You mentioned the importance of human interaction in your job. Do you think your experience as a mother influenced this aspect of your professional life?

Claudia: Being a mother has made me more conscious of people’s needs and the importance of personal connections. I believe it’s about understanding that everyone has responsibilities outside of work. This perspective helps me in my role.

Question: What do you think makes Deiser’s company culture so positive?

Claudia: At Deiser, our culture thrives on openness and inclusivity. We believe in honest communication and mutual respect, which builds strong bonds among our team. Our culture is defined by not just the work we do but also how we collaborate and support each other. Our leaders really get it—they put people first, making sure we all feel valued and heard.

Question: It’s inspiring to hear about your positive experience. What advice would you give your younger self at the start of your career journey?

Claudia: I would tell my younger self not to take things too personally and not to get frustrated easily. There will always be challenges, but staying positive and open to new opportunities is key. Every experience teaches you something valuable.

There will always be challenges, but staying positive and open to new opportunities is key.

Question: If you could trade jobs with someone for a day, who would it be?

Claudia: I’d choose someone from our design team. They’re amazingly creative, and it would be exciting to contribute to crafting new solutions and enhancing our products.

Question: Lastly, tell us something interesting about your hometown, Madrid.

Claudia: Madrid has gained a lot of popularity recently. It’s a vibrant city with sunny weather most of the year, which naturally makes people happier. The city has an amazing atmosphere, with lively streets and countless attractions worth exploring. It’s definitely a must-visit destination!

Connect with Claudia

If you wish to connect with Claudia and learn more, seek advice, or share similar experiences, feel free to reach out to her via LinkedIn.

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