#HERpower with Shruthi from Atlassian

#HERpower with Shruthi from Atlassian

Join us in an inspiring conversation with Shruthi Nayak, a customer success manager at Atlassian, who moved from South India to Amsterdam.

She shares her unique journey in the tech industry, her passion for strategic customer engagement, and her thoughts on overcoming challenges as a woman in tech.

Read on!


Shruthi is a Customer Success Manager at Atlassian, based in Amsterdam. Originally from Udupi, South India, she enjoys cooking, gardening, cycling, and photographing cats, including her own cat, Chuchu.

In her role, Shruthi prioritizes customer needs, emphasizes product value, and collaborates closely with customers to achieve lasting business results and build trust as a key advisor.

The Conversation

Question: Ready to get started?

Shruthi: Yes, let’s do this.

Question: Hello Shruthi, thank you for joining HERpower. Can you introduce yourself briefly?

Shruthi: I’m Shruthi, and I live in Amsterdam now. I moved here from South India two years ago. It’s quite different from the humid and sunny weather back home, but Amsterdam has its own charm, despite being cold and windy.

Question: That’s quite a journey. Can you tell us about your current role?

Shruthi: I’m currently a customer success manager at Atlassian, handling enterprise accounts. I joined during the COVID-19 pandemic, so it’s been interesting to see the shift to remote work. My job involves helping enterprise customers adopt our products, providing feedback to our product teams, and having strategic discussions with stakeholders to help them achieve their goals.

I love the strategic aspect of my job. It’s rewarding to help customers adopt our products and see how it impacts their business. The constant learning required to stay updated with our products kept things exciting.

Question: How did you get into this field?

Shruthi: I began my career in Bangalore as an investment banker at Goldman Sachs and later transitioned into Human Capital roles, focusing on recruitment, compensation, and enhancing human resource processes. This journey allowed me to gain insights into various roles within the tech landscape. Subsequently, I shifted towards a pre-sales and product management role where I worked on developing features for learning management systems and remote exam proctoring tools. I then had the opportunity to work in a start-up where I collaborated with talented individuals who were committed to improving the company’s product offerings. It was truly an incredible experience that significantly broadened my skill set – enabling me to refine both customer relationship management skills and project management capabilities. After moving to Amsterdam, I had the opportunity to join Atlassian.

Question: What do you enjoy most about your current role?

Shruthi: I love the strategic aspect of my job. It’s rewarding to help customers adopt our products and see how it impacts their business. The constant learning required to stay updated with our products kept things exciting.

Question: What skills do you think have been crucial for your success?

Shruthi: Empathy and understanding of customer needs coupled with active collaboration. I think it’s vital to engage customers in discussions about the value of products or services and how they can address their problems. Furthermore, it is essential to nurture a sense of curiosity and stay updated on the advancements in this constantly evolving tech industry to remain relevant.

Question: As a woman in tech, what challenges have you faced, and how have you overcome them?

Shruthi: One of the biggest challenges is overcoming self-doubt and the tendency to overthink. It’s easy to feel intimidated, especially in male-dominated environments. I’ve learned to take opportunities as they come and trust my abilities. Networking and seeking mentorship have also been invaluable.

Question: How do you manage to balance work and personal life, especially in such a demanding field?

Shruthi: Balancing work and personal life is a dynamic process with good and better days. There are days when work takes over, but I try to make time for personal activities like cycling and going to the gym.Atlassian’s remote work option has been invaluable in managing this balance.

One of the biggest challenges I faced as a woman in tech was overcoming self-doubt and the tendency to overthink. It's easy to feel intimidated, especially in male-dominated environments

Question: Can you share how the diverse Atlassian ecosystem has impacted you personally?

Shruthi: Absolutely. My experience at Atlassian, here in Amsterdam, has significantly influenced my outlook. The diversity present here is truly impressive, both culturally and in the communities they foster. Interacting with people from various backgrounds and perspectives has been incredibly enlightening. What stands out is the commitment to empowering women in the workplace. At Atlassian, we have dedicated employer resource groups focused on supporting women in their career journeys. Personally, I’ve benefited greatly from access to mentors within these communities.

Question: What can we do to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for women in tech?

Shruthi: It’s important to encourage mentorship and networking opportunities. Creating spaces where women can share experiences and support each other is crucial. Companies should also actively promote diversity and provide equal opportunities for growth.

At Atlassian, we have dedicated employer resource groups focused on supporting women in their career journeys.

Question: What role do mentorship and role models play in your career journey?

Shruthi: Having individuals to seek advice from, particularly those who have traversed a similar path, has proven to be immensely valuable. I have been fortunate to discover mentors within my team who offer invaluable insights on career advancement and even navigating job offers. It is crucial to have a role model to admire and gain knowledge from, particularly in a rapidly evolving industry such as tech.

Question: If you could go back to the start of your career, what advice would you give your younger self?

Shruthi: I would tell myself to take more risks and not be afraid of speaking up or seizing opportunities. Confidence comes with experience, but you have to start by stepping out of your comfort zone.

Question: If you could switch jobs for a day, what would you do?

Shruthi:  I’d love to build a cat rescue system. I feel it would take a considerable amount of courage and expertise to accomplish such a feat, like securing funds through crowdsourcing, establishing communication channels, and conducting outreach activities. Even if I take a break from the tech industry, the skills I have acquired will remain invaluable.

I would tell my younger self to take more risks and not be afraid of speaking up or seizing opportunities. Confidence comes with experience, but you have to start by stepping out of your comfort zone.

Question: Thank you, Shruthi. Before we wrap up, can you share some interesting facts about your home country?

Shruthi: Of course! I’m from the lovely coastal town in South India called Udupi, renowned for its picturesque beaches and ancient temples. Just a short five-kilometer stroll from my home leads you to the closest beach, with another one not too distant. It’s an incredibly serene and tranquil town.

In addition to its stunning beaches, Udupi is also famous for its simple delicacies. One such dish is Masala Dosa, a zesty and mildly spicy pancake that originates from my hometown. Unlike conventional egg-based pancakes, Masala Dosa is crafted from rice flour and stuffed with a tangy potato blend. 

Connect with Shruthi

If you wish to connect with Shruthi and learn more, seek advice, or share similar experiences, feel free to reach out to her via LinkedIn.

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