#HERpower with Saskia from Exalate

#HERpower with Saskia from Exalate

The HERpower series continues to shine a spotlight on the unsung heroes of our industry.

And this week is no exception: we’re interviewing Saskia, our amazing technical support manager.

Across seven different countries and numerous different roles, teams, and experiences, she’s built our customer success department from the ground up, single-handedly.

Let’s jump into her journey!


Meet, Saskia Mitchelle Banegas Flores, Exalate’s Support Manager, blending a wealth of global perspective and linguistic versatility.

With residencies in seven countries, Saskia enriches her leadership and customer service with diverse cultural experiences. Based in Belgium for over three years, she transitioned from Customer Success Manager to Technical Support Manager.

Saskia now leads a global team with dedication and innovative strategies, leveraging her multilingual skills to connect with clients worldwide.

The Conversation

Question: Let’s start with a little introduction about yourself. 

Saskia: I’m Saskia, and I’m currently the Support Manager of the technical team at Exalate. I come from Honduras, but I currently live in Belgium.

Question: How long have you been in Belgium?

Saskia: I’ve been living in Belgium since 2020, but I came here back in 2016 to learn French as an exchange volunteer, met my husband and the rest is history.

Question: What led you to become a Support Manager?

Saskia: It’s funny you ask; I didn’t start with this role in Exalate. I was originally hired to be the Customer Success Representative because it was a completely new department that needed to be built. We had more and more customers, so it was important to learn how to retain them, learn from them, and expand our product usage. I developed processes to ensure our customers effectively utilize the tool, identify any challenges they encounter, and understand the potential for expanding their use of the product. It was a great experience. I got to know a lot of customers while at the same time working a lot with support. Little by little, I got more and more interested, to the point where the support engineers thought I was already part of the team. So it came as no surprise once I completely moved to support. 

Question: What do you do on a day-to-day basis in one sentence?

Saskia: On a daily basis, I review tickets, refine processes, and brainstorm ideas for improvement and new initiatives that can benefit both customers and our team.

Question: Have you encountered any challenges as a woman in the tech industry?

Saskia: I would say 98% of our team is composed of men, but I wouldn’t say that’s a challenge. I’ve really gotten along with my team members; they’re very respectful, and we collaborate really well. It’s all about teamwork: when I work on enhancing processes, I involve my team, seeking their advice and feedback. In the end, they’re the ones on the battlefield, so they provide the right feedback. They know how to make their lives and their jobs easier.

Question: Did you encounter any specific challenges along the way?

Saskia: It can be quite intimidating to only work with men, but my relationship with my team is really good. Of course, there’s also a technical aspect that I’m learning every day as well. We’re talking about developers; we’re talking about engineers, so that can be intimidating, but so far it’s going in the right direction and I am learning as I go.

Being part of the Exalate culture, where women are supported and encouraged, especially as I'm on the journey to becoming a mother myself, has been incredibly valuable and empowering.

Question: Can you share a project or achievement that you’re proud of and that reflects your skills and values?

Saskia: I’m proud of building Customer Success from scratch and optimizing the Support department, developing strategies that have enhanced processes over the years. It’s rewarding to see the next person in my role continue to maximize these processes. The same goes for the support team; now I’m creating new initiatives and I’m seeing the positive results they are bringing in. As a manager, ensuring my team’s happiness is very important to me. 

Question: What skills have been essential to your accomplishments?

Saskia: I have an international background since I have lived in seven different countries. This helps me adapt really well to different situations and connect with diverse people. I was born in Honduras and lived for a year in the United States, then onto Italy for a year-long exchange, followed by five years in Taiwan on a scholarship for my undergraduate degree, and finally completed my Masters in International Business Management from Paris. I’ve also lived in the Netherlands and Belgium to pursue my career. Living in different countries has really boosted my ability to get along with my team members. It’s made forming close bonds easier, especially when we share experiences and speak the same language. Building that trust and teamwork is super important for us to succeed together. 

Question: How do you manage your work-life balance?
Saskia: I manage my work-life balance by appreciating the flexibility of working from home whenever needed, which is particularly valuable when collaborating across different time zones. I adjust my schedule to ensure I’m available for the Americas team when necessary, understanding the challenges they face working at the end of our day. Being present and available for my team when they need support is a priority for me.

I manage my work-life balance by appreciating the flexibility of working from home whenever needed, which is particularly valuable when collaborating across different time zones.

Question: How can the tech industry further promote diversity and inclusion?

Saskia: It can be a man’s world in tech, so you just have to go for it and believe in yourself. Especially in startups, you can grow quickly, and it’s not as intimidating as you might think. You can grow professionally, make an impact, and learn a lot from it. I’ve never been in a job where I’ve learned this much about different fields. And the opportunity to work with different types of people all around the world! That’s what makes it amazing; just seeing the number of women managers we have within the team, is very inspiring.

Question: How do you keep yourself motivated to learn in this rapidly changing industry? 

Saskia: I actively engage with different professionals on LinkedIn, and follow their posts and recommendations. I also read books, magazines, and articles regularly. I try to stay ahead of emerging trends in technology. 

Question: How has being part of the Exalate culture impacted your experience as a woman in tech?

Saskia: I initially joined as a Customer Success Representative and was soon promoted to Customer Success Manager and then to Technical Support Manager of a team of 17 engineers. Gradually, I have taken on increasing responsibilities. The growth of my team, along with my ability to effectively manage challenges has further increased my confidence. Being part of the Exalate culture, where women are supported and encouraged, especially as I’m on the journey to becoming a mother myself, has been incredibly valuable and empowering.

Question: What aspects of working in tech do you enjoy the most? And how do those aspects align with your personal passions and interests?

Saskia: My preference for an active and dynamic work environment was a key factor in my decision to join a startup. I was drawn to the opportunity to engage in a variety of tasks beyond routine activities, and my experience here has been incredibly fulfilling. I think that’s what keeps me going: that each day is different. I like generating and implementing new ideas.

Question: What advice would you give yourself if you could restart your career?

Saskia: Don’t be afraid of trying. I didn’t know what I was getting myself into when I applied to Exalate. I came from a vastly different background, transitioning from digital marketing to tech security. While the job seemed challenging, I embraced the opportunity, taking on difficult tasks to prove my capabilities. This mindset led to success and, ultimately, an offer from Exalate.

While the job seemed challenging, I embraced the opportunity, taking on difficult tasks to prove my capabilities.

Question: If you could switch jobs with someone on the team for a day, who would it be?

Saskia: Right now, I’m where I want to be. My dream has always been to lead teams and help people grow professionally. 

Question: Could you share something interesting about your home country, Honduras?

Saskia: We have some of the most surreal beaches in the world. People underestimate the beauty of Honduras and how welcoming people can be. If you are looking for an adventure, delicious food, and a great ambiance, you should definitely come and visit!

Connect with Saskia

If you wish to connect with Saskia’s and learn more, seek advice, or share similar experiences, feel free to reach out to her via LinkedIn.

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