#HERpower with Sabrina from ThreeFold Tech

#HERpower with Sabrina from ThreeFold Tech

We’re back, with another edition of HERpower.

Today, we’re speaking to Sabrina, the operations lead for ThreeFold tech, a company based in Belgium.

Her journey goes through Germany, Macedonia, and Belgium.

Along the way, she became a mother and an inspirational woman in tech.

Let’s learn more!


Sabrina Sadik has been working at ThreeFold Tech since its very beginning 7 years ago and has grown a lot together with the tech startup.

As the Internal and Grid Operations Lead, she’s all about keeping both the Grid services and the work processes running smoothly. With a passion for equality, Sabrina plays a key role in bringing ThreeFold’s vision of an accessible internet and a reduced digital footprint to life. 

The Conversation

Question: Could you please introduce yourself and what you do?

Sabrina: My name is Sabrina Sadik. I am originally from Macedonia, but I was born in Germany, lived there for two years, and then spent most of my years growing up in Belgium. I am currently working at ThreeFold Tech, a technology company based near Ghent in Belgium. I have been with the company since the beginning. I work there as the operations lead, but it’s hard to put a label on what I do. I work across communications, support, operations, and development. I’m also a single mother of a little girl. 

Question: Could you share how you began working at ThreeFold Tech?

Sabrina: I was working as a management assistant for a company located in the same building as ThreeFold Tech. Kristof, the current CEO of ThreeFold, also owned the company I used to work for. I got a call one day from a colleague saying that Kristof had a side project that he could use my skills with. I got more and more involved in the side project, until one day I got a call from Kristof himself. At that point, we’d never met, and he asked me to come to Egypt to do a meditation and yoga cruise along the Nile. It was such an eye-opening and amazing experience. Afterward, he asked me and a few other colleagues whether they wanted to go on this crazy adventure and work on ThreeFold, the side project, full-time. And so from there, I started working in marketing, with legal documents, and with the team, and I love it all so much. 

Question:  What do you like the most about your current role?

Sabrina: Like I said, I’m a people person and a people manager. I help put the values on the front lines of the company. It’s important for me personally that people like their jobs. I encourage people to have downtime and spend it with family and friends. I try to talk to people who are having a hard time in all of the teams I work with, especially the developers. I’ve found that in a lot of companies, they’re overlooked because they work in the background. So it’s really important to talk with them to know how they’re feeling and whether they’re good. My job is to make sure they do their job well and that they’re happy. I love helping people, and happy people create amazing things. 

An inclusive workplace is about everyone coming together as a team, disregarding gender or ethnicity.
While management plays a role, true equality requires input from all levels.

Question:  What challenges have you encountered as a woman in the tech industry?

Sabrina: Especially in the beginning, I felt I had to prove myself even though I knew what I was doing. So I had to regularly push myself to speak up and not be intimidated. I’m lucky to be surrounded by people who appreciate me and know that I have the answers when it comes to my areas of expertise. 

Question: In your opinion, how can the tech industry improve, and what skills are crucial for overcoming challenges?

Sabrina: Firstly, our male colleagues can play a significant role by speaking up when they see discrimination or bias. Sometimes it has a bigger impact if they speak up for us. If they stay quiet, it makes things worse and allows a kind of misogyny to get in. Secondly, it’s important not to let embarrassment hinder progress. What others think of us shouldn’t dictate our actions. Trusting in ourselves and our abilities is key.

Question: Have you always felt this way? 

Sabrina: My journey as a single mother has greatly influenced my perspective. I’ve learned to rely on myself and advocate for what I believe in. This has strengthened my resolve, and I value the freedom to explore and feel appreciated in my work.

Question: What, in your view, contributes to creating an inclusive workplace culture?

Sabrina: It’s about everyone coming together as a team, disregarding gender or ethnicity. While management plays a role, true equality requires input from all levels. Speaking up for those who aren’t treated fairly, even if it’s outside your department, is crucial for fostering inclusivity.

Question: How do you balance being a single mother with your career in the tech industry?

Sabrina: I believe in flexibility in work hours. It’s unnecessary for the entire team to be online from 8 am to 6 pm. Many people find they’re more productive in the evening. Embracing this flexibility allows for a happier, more productive workplace. Unfortunately, women sometimes miss out on promotions because they may not have the same flexibility as men. I have to think about my daughter first, and I don’t think that should hold me back. I should have the same chances as everyone else.

I'd tell my younger self to claim her place at the table.

Question:  Who inspired or mentored you during your career journey?

Sabrina: When I asked a C-level manager about what made her want to hire me, she said that it was because I was so direct about being a mother. She appreciated how open I was about it. At the same time, I’m a mother first, but I make my work work around that. While I prioritize motherhood, I ensure my work aligns with my family responsibilities. I believe in facing challenges head-on, without making excuses. At the same time, I’m also trying to mentor some of my colleagues. One woman in particular who has become a friend comes to me often, and we talk about problems she has. I always tell her, don’t let people overrule you, make your voice heard, don’t be intimidated. It’s not about being nice; it’s about being genuine and empowered.

Question: If you could trade roles with someone for a day, who would it be?

Sabrina: I would love to step into the shoes of a teacher. It’s a field often dominated by men, and I believe it would be fascinating to challenge and change that dynamic. I want to inspire young people to pursue their careers without being held back by gender biases.

Question: If you could go back in time and give advice to your younger self, what would it be?

Sabrina: I’d tell her to claim her place at the table. If I have knowledge about a certain topic, I’m ready to sit at the table and discuss it. They might not have asked for my opinion, but they can benefit from it. 

While I prioritize motherhood, I ensure my work aligns with my family responsibilities. I believe in facing challenges head-on, without making excuses.

Question: Could you share a bit about your background?

Sabrina: I have a really multicultural background, with a lot of different ethnicities, from the Balkans to India to Romania. I view the concept of nationality as an arbitrary line drawn on a map. You don’t choose where you’re born. Although my parents hail from Macedonia, I’ve never truly lived there, and its culture differs greatly from what I’ve grown accustomed to. When I visited for the first time, I felt like an outsider. Similarly, in Belgium, where I reside, I’m also considered a foreigner. As a child of immigrant parents, you constantly grapple with a sense of displacement, regardless of your location.

Macedonia holds a special place in my heart. The cuisine is exceptional, and the culture is rich and vibrant. The people are incredibly hospitable, making it a truly remarkable place to experience.

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