#HERpower with Celina from Appsvio

#HERpower with Celina from Appsvio

In this edition of HERpower, we have the pleasure of chatting with Celina, hailing from Poland.

With her warm personality and boundless energy, Celina isn't just your average marketer—she's a growth hacker, an Atlassian creator, and a dynamic storyteller.

As an ambitious woman carving her path in tech, she's ready to share her journey and inspire us.

Don't miss out on her full interview.


Celina Kuziemko is an Atlassian creator and marketer at Appsvio, the provider of the Atlassian Marketplace. Working close to the product allows her to create content, documentation, and all campaigns. Living in Wroclaw, Poland, she fills her free time with activities like surfing, reading, gardening, walking by the sea, and giving it her all in the kickboxing gym. She is also a massive Potterhead.

The Conversation

Question: Thanks so much for joining me today. Could you start by introducing yourself?

Celina: It’s a pleasure to be here. I’m Celina, and I currently work at Appsvio, a silver partner on the Atlassian Marketplace. I’ve been in the marketing field for about six years now, starting with internships and working my way up. I’m based in Wroclaw, Poland. I grew up near the Baltic Sea, so I love outdoor activities like surfing and horseback riding. I also like to keep fit with gym workouts, kickboxing, and running. In my downtime, I enjoy reading and watching good movies. That’s a bit about me!

Question: Tell me more about your background and studies. How did you find yourself in marketing?

Celina: When I was 18 and choosing my studies, I loved literature and content. I imagined writing books someday, but I realized I didn’t have much to say at the time. So, I studied literature and content creation in Wrocław. Later, I felt the need for more science and math, so I also pursued economics. I completed both degrees and then did a Master’s in media creation, focusing on marketing. I started working before finishing my Master’s, so I knew exactly what I wanted to do by then.

I prefer smaller companies over large corporations because you have more impact, can see the growth, and it's easier to communicate.

Question: And how did you end up in your current role?

Celina: Well, I was looking for a job as a growth hacker because that really intrigued me. I had left my previous job because it just wasn’t a good fit, and my manager and I had a mutual understanding that it wasn’t working out, but in a friendly way. So, I decided it was time to find a work environment that suited me better.

I work 100% remotely now, which I love, but we do have an office in Wroclaw for when I feel like I need a change of scenery. When I came across the growth hacker position at Appsvio, it felt like the job description was written just for me. So, I applied, and it turned out to be a really smart move!

Question: What does the right work environment look like for you? What are you looking for in terms of culture, opportunities, and overall atmosphere?

Celina: For me, opportunities and growth are the most important. I really dislike boredom, stagnation, and repetitive tasks. I don’t like focusing on just one field. For example, being a social media manager and only doing social media isn’t my thing. I prefer having a mix of responsibilities.

Right now, I get to do a mix of things—social media, writing articles, automation, marketing, and partnerships. It lets me figure out what I like best and where I fit in.

I also prefer more partnership-based work relationships than just manager-employee dynamics. Flexibility is crucial for me too. I like having the option to work in the evening and take breaks when needed.

We’re a small company with around ten people, and it’s great to see the company grow and be a part of that growth. I prefer smaller companies over large corporations because you have more impact, can see the growth, and it’s easier to communicate. We have a family-like atmosphere and casual talks, which is really nice.

I'm great at juggling tasks and making sure everything gets done on time. This is particularly valuable in the fast-paced marketing field.

Question: Alright, let’s talk about your strengths and what sets you apart in your role. What skills do you bring to the table that really make you shine?

Celina: I’m great at juggling tasks and making sure everything gets done on time. This is particularly valuable in the fast-paced marketing field.

I’d say my real strength, though, is storytelling. I love creating content that’s not just informative but also super engaging and easy to digest. And the feedback I’ve been getting tells me I’m doing something right!

Plus, I’m a quick learner, so I can pick up new things pretty fast. And I’ve always been into tech, which is perfect since I’m in marketing for tech companies.

There are many successful women in high-level roles in the Atlassian ecosystem. Seeing these women, who are top experts in their fields, inspires me. I aim to become a top expert in my field too.

Question:  What excites you so much about tech?

Celina: Tech is so dynamic and always evolving, which keeps things exciting. It’s complex, but also comprehensive. For instance, we can develop applications based on user feedback, tailoring features to meet individual needs. This customization is fascinating to me. Plus, the fast-paced nature of the tech world means there’s always something new to learn and explore every week.

Question: What challenges do you face in the tech world?

Celina: The tech environment is quite diverse, with lots of designers and developers working together. It can be funny sometimes because I’m pretty chatty, and some of the developers are more on the quiet side. But in a small company like ours, it’s easier to communicate with and learn from each other.

I work closely with our CPO and CEO, so I stay informed about product developments. This helps a lot. In my previous jobs, communication was tougher. We tried having regular product update calls, but it often felt like there was a barrier.

Since I’m not deeply technical, understanding developer jargon can be challenging. Our developers are great at simplifying things for me, but sometimes I still struggle to get it. It can be a bit demotivating and make me feel like I’m not keeping up. Asking for clarification repeatedly can feel awkward, but I’ve learned it’s important to do so.

There’s also the stereotype that, as a woman in tech, I must be in marketing, as if that’s the only role I could excel in. This can make me feel a bit intimidated when talking to top-level men like CPOs or CEOs because of the stereotype that men are more analytical. This has made me feel shy at times. But in the Atlassian ecosystem, which is very diverse, I don’t face this stereotype. There are many successful women in high-level roles here. Seeing these women, who are top experts in their fields, inspires me. I aim to become a top expert in my field too.

It's important not to let stereotypes hold us back. We need to keep our heads up and not be shy, as barriers are often just perceptions. As women, we need to speak up and stand for each other.

Question: What can we do to change stereotypes about women working in tech?

Celina: It’s important not to let stereotypes hold us back. We need to keep our heads up and not be shy, as barriers are often just perceptions. As women, we need to speak up and stand up for each other.

Question: You are an Atlassian creator. Can you tell us what that means? What does a creator do?

Celina: Basically, as an Atlassian creator, I share my knowledge through various content formats. I create videos, LinkedIn posts, and articles about Atlassian products. It’s for people who enjoy sharing their expertise about Atlassian tools, like Jira. For me, it’s perfect because I love creating content.

Being a creator comes with many benefits. There’s a supportive community, and the interactions and networking are always helpful. We also get access to products and some really nice swag. We have a Slack channel for questions and support, so it’s like creating Atlassian-themed content with strong backing from the community.

I used to strive for perfection, but I've learned it's more important to experiment with different ideas.

Question: If you could travel back to the start of your career, what advice would you give yourself?

Celina: I’d tell myself to be braver. In marketing, you need to be bold because you can test every idea. Not every idea will succeed, and that’s okay. There’s room for mistakes, which are really just opportunities to learn. I used to strive for perfection, but I’ve learned it’s more important to experiment with different ideas.

Question: If you could switch jobs with someone for a day, what job would you choose?

Celina: I love my current job, but if I had to choose, I’d like to be an astronaut.

Question: Can you share some interesting facts about your home country and its culture? What should we know about where you’re from?

Celina: I’m from Poland. A fun fact is that football really unites us, even though we’re not the best at it. During national team matches, everyone comes together. Poland is very diverse. We have beautiful mountains, a stunning sea, vibrant cities, and even a desert to explore.

Connect with Celina

If you wish to connect with Celina and learn more, seek advice, or share similar experiences, feel free to reach out to her via LinkedIn.

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